The Never-Ending Dance

The desire for revenge is a prime example of the never ending dance of the Three Forces, in that human conflict, like everything else, cannot come to a simple, final conclusion.



With special equipment, telescopes, Man can look back into the past via the space of the universe.  The Few can likewise develop special equipment and move away from themselves in a space sufficient for Man to peer into the normally hidden past.



Ordinary emotions reside in an area of constant turmoil wherein certain of life’s energies are struggling to move upward.  This area is extremely upsetting to Work awareness, and one must forever attempt to stay free of such routine entanglements.  Ordinary emotions, in their partial role as a protector, also act as a captor of consciousness.  These emotions have extreme power to grab and hold attention to the feverish episodes, and The Few must look elsewhere for a favorable feeling field.



Not handling the automatic process of the Yellow circuitry is like “not thinking the thinking.”  This is akin to having a library; you are aware of the presence of books, and you may even know all of their titles, but you do not pick them up and read them, or even mutter the titles to yourself for that matter.



Just “being oneself” feeds the same old connections over and over, and any alternative areas remain starved and silent.



In Focus, In Transit

If you chuckle at books, ostensibly devoted to childish theories regarding the expansion of human consciousness and other such weighty matters, what shall you do with a book that is simply a collection of readings from such works.  What does the editor of such collections think about favorable reviews of his books and intellectual praise for his efforts?



The Few:  In focus, in transit.



The human concept of fame can be seen as in line with Man’s mechanical drive for growth, in that when fame is acquired it offers a sensation of development, development of another personality, the personality that is now famous.  (Tricky indeed, to “be” and not be known.)



Once a Man’s consciousness begins to live above the Line, and he is less and less concerned and identified with the interests of the lower levels, he soon discovers an unexpected hunger for a new kind of impression-food.  Once this state becomes more stable and abiding than the ordinary needs of the lower circuits, his new consciousness becomes disturbed anew.  He must then consider living for Life itself.



In the external world, free and open societies afford the greatest potential movement of the Three Forces, while dictatorial, conformist governments seeking to suppress conflict and opposing views, directly interfere with at least one of the Three moving Forces, and thus such systems produce no meaningful growth.  As always, the Few should be able to then see this in an internal, personal manner.



What You Don't Understand, Life Does

What the ordinary call “consciousness” is the last to know.  And none of them can ever grasp the significance of this unholy information.  (For, don’t you see, by the time they did, it would be too late.)



There is sin for the Few, and this sin is repetition; the useless repetition of thoughts, feelings or actions, including any suffering thereof.  And that concludes my religious statement for this century.



What you don’t understand, Life does.  At its lowest level it entails your lack of understanding regarding the lives of others combined with their inability to understand why you can’t understand them.  Thus, in the trilateral universe from whence it all arises, nothing passes unseen, and all is understood.



The nervous systems of all creatures are constructed so that their first, and primary attraction is for their own kind.  And you thought gossip and “people watching” was a social phenomenon.  But, then again, you once believed there was such a thing as a social phenomenon.



I once heard a gambler say, “Everyone can’t have the edge.”  But consider further:  Everyone has an apparent edge over the next person who, in turn. has some other kind of edge over the first person, and they both have an edge over third parties, who in turn say, “Is there no one you can trust in this game?”  Yeah, and why is it always “dealer’s choice”?



Once Upon A Time...

Epic tales of heroic adventures are only of interest to those who've never been on one.

There was once a knight who followed his charge to its ultimate end -- then, when there, wondered: "What now?"

Behind all dead ends stands the obvious; and behind it -- The Secret itself.



The useless always cries out: "Over here! -- I'm over here!" While that sought by the Few -- although here -- remains forever silent.                                            



Of the two types of courage apparently possible for man (physical and mental), mental might at first seem the easiest to possess and the least significant of the two, since most men find physical threats more fearful than mental ones -- but such a conclusion is rash.             



If the true measure of the hero is in his private internal battles, is it any wonder that heroes are so seldom seen by external sight?



There was once a machine that was run by two engines, one fueled by gas, the other by electricity, but their distinction and separation-of-labor was more illusion than reality.



There were once two brothers, and one would often say: "I don't feel like it." While the other was given to saying: "I don't think I will." And sometimes, when no one was looking -- including themselves! -- they'd swap clothes.



A knight riding two steeds can make no progress unless he knows the names of both. It is not possible for an ordinary man to realize how little he knows -- it takes one more conscious to do so.



...And there was once a man who said: "I once was stupid, then I was smart, but it turned out I was always both, at the same time, until I realized it -- then, everything changed."


Stories for Sunday

According to legend, there is only one way in which a mythical warrior can die:  by drowning -- in the flow.

The mental sea of collective humanity holds a billion indistinguishable faces dead by suffocation.                                              


                 The Mathematics:

                 Heroism = courage,

                 and Courage = knowledge.


                 Fear = ignorance,

                 and Ignorance = fear.                            



The simple want stories of action,

the sophisticated like those of speculation.

Only a few there accept no less than tales of absolute certainty and finality,

to the point of their own self-destruction.              



The Conditioning:

To live normally is to be weak and flabby, to live heroically is to be strong and firm...internally speaking.



Talk & The Greater Mythology:

Though routine tales tell of a common goal, in truth, each knight has his own personal grail, and, once found, everything he says after that is but social converse.                                                             


There is no such thing externally as a "superior man" -- only a meaner one. True heroism is strictly an internal affair (which fact alone makes it of no interest to the ordinary).  



The Compassion of the warrior is, while knowing he can't help, he doesn't harm.                                                                                                                        



The King one day asked the Royal Philosopher: "Did we not exist in a land of even-numbered dimensions, would so much of our life be apparently constructed of dual parts?"  But inquire not, regarding mere external conditions; rather look to the internal structure of your own thinking apparatus.


On the Verge of Chaos

From the basis of taking Man as an uncivilized creature with a dark, unconscious underbelly to be repressed by a more social, orderly “I,” some are then labeled “deranged” on the judgment that this “I” is insufficiently developed.  But this ignores the further possibility that such men may suffer, instead, from too much “I”…from too great a sense of individual isolation.



Once a Man begins to see and understand for himself the unrecognized nature of life, what should then be the proper action for him?  Should he apparently undertake good works for the benefit of others with the full knowledge that nothing is to be accomplished, while understanding that a proper task can be to undertake that which is impossible, while remembering that certain attitude which gives no weight to apparent outcomes?  Or, should he perhaps seek to find a loose thread in the fabric of Life, and pull on it to gain the attention of others with The Hunger?



Life will sometimes allow Man small glimpses of little-secrets, for no matter how astounding they may be, they are almost immediately lost and forgotten amidst the normal swirl of Life’s sandstorms.  But there is a Big Secret whose long range effect is so potentially dangerous that any awareness of it is stripped from a Man even before its discovery.



The Few begin to see the continuing outcome of this process-of-Life resulting in a chancy kind of order always on the verge of chaos.



Often times a plant will develop a certain toxin to discourage its consumption by certain predators, who in turn, will then develop their own detoxification mechanism, and then the plant will increase the potency of its toxin, and so on; and within a closed system.  The Few would well consider:  To what avail is such internal conflict produced, allowed and nurtured.




The vague feeling that what is happening in Life is somehow also happening to the individual observer is true, in that whatever occurs in the Body-of-Life will eventually affect even the most distant parts.



Your allegiance must be to the life-of-Life; to its continued health and growth.  There can be no criticism of your forefathers’ race, religion and  beliefs, but you must hold your secret salute and approval only for the flag-of-Life.



There are certain parts of the circuitry interested only in change,  and there are other parts interested only in protecting the status quo.  Alright, another game:  Guess which one brought us here?



Ordinary consciousness perceives only fierce, individual skirmishes.  There is a place, however, from which the entire battle can be seen.  (And , I must tell you that this sight, will forever change your view of warfare.)



You will eventually see that the word, “Life,” would be the proper synonym for This Thing.  (But by then you’ll also realize that I could not have started off calling This by such a mundane name.)




The ordinary are wont to say, “Live and learn,” but the Few discover a form of truth beyond lessons of experience.  Put that in your quantum pipe and fly it.



Where the electro/chemical patterns that are you transmit their messages through your circuits, they leave traces which cause everything to tend to repeat itself and remain stable.  Now tell me, is this really all you want out of life?



What may appear as change, in an ordinary person, arises from internal strains that cause a certain area in a particular circuit to exert new pressures on other circuits, that result in the total organism adapting to altered patterns of behavior for the benefit and continued health of all.



You must look “down” into your own nervous system as a proper study of the past; not as the ordinary look “back,” which is an automatic process caused by the routine flow.  The latter reveals naught, and helps hold one in their dazed, grid position.  Just remember the spiritual cry of the Few, “Fuck the past!”



From ordinary viewpoints, a conflict can appear to be leading to some kind of C-Force progress, but it can just as well seem to be leading to a re-establishment of D-Force’s present position.



Oil Change

As he was changing the oil in his car a man was thinking how neat it was that the body takes similar care of its joints and connections, then stopped and pondered: "In what way does the mind lubricate itself?"




As regards an earlier man's observation, a second fellow now says that to him "daydreaming is little more than a gradual form of self-extinction."                                                                                                        





                                    Notice: All the war reports received by the civilized are frauds.


A Quickie Definition:

No thinking is heroic that is in any way uncertain.




When a warrior outgrows his respect for words, he loses all fear of incoming ammo.



Is There Magic in Numbers?

On such a point, reflected one man: "Would a true hero be reticent because he has nothing to say, or because he knows there is nothing to be said?"                                                                                                     





A man asked a mystic: "Is there magic in numbers?"

And received the reply: "Yes and no; no, if you think so, and yes, if you know better."                     





A traveler paused at a crossroads and pondered:  "I wonder which will give out on me first -- my body, or my thoughts?" And as he again began to walk, added, "I hope it's my thoughts."





Under the most extreme of definitions, the mystical hero would be a mute recluse.

 ("Most extreme," perhaps, but also perhaps "most promising," if one understands aright the internal application of words "mute" and "recluse."



Death comes to all creatures, but to man, twice -- in that he can think of it. (...And therein lies salvation: not to think of it, once you realize its mental nature.)




Royal and mystical dynasties survive by transcending the physical limitations of genetic bloodlines. The more conscious can be no more dependent on their ancestors than they are on death and their progeny.

                Do you not stand alone -- you perish.

                (That is the only mental law known to the hero.)



The deranged prince climbed to the top of his father's castle, and threw himself from the highest window, into his own waiting arms below.



The Reminder:
To live heroically is not a matter of strength, but of alertness.                                                                        



If you die passively, you go down in defeat,

if you die unyieldingly, you go out heroically.

Now for the concept of death, substitute that of ignorance,

and you've got it.

The King asked the Royal Myth-Maker: "Is it possible to make the mystical hero sound too cold blooded and indifferent?"  And the scribe poked the monarch in the ribs, chuckling: "Aw -- get outta here, old dear."




Never Discover Anything


A man who'd been on The Quest for some time, and who'd gained some understanding of what it was actually all about, one day said to himself, "While there's nothing sad or discouraging you can say of this activity, there's also nothing particularly pleasing or encouraging you can say about it either -- so I guess it's no surprise there's hardly anything you can say about it."


(Well, no,  not unless someone's just recently discovered a number between 2 and 3 which has no connection to either.)





As he began to gradually awaken, one man thought: "I am now but a fraction of my former self...ahh...the sweet aroma of success!"





One man spent many years learning to focus his attention

only to discover it was the wrong attention.


One man spent many years learning to focus his attention

only to discover that it wasn't his attention.


One man spent many years learning to focus his attention

only to discover that he misunderstood what it means to focus.


One man spent many years learning to focus his attention

only to discover that it couldn't be done...leastwise how he'd gone about it.





One man gradually developed a guiding principle:

"Never discover anything."





The Primal Flow Undivided

When Men speak of “love,” they are unknowingly describing what pure C-Force would be if such a thing could so exist.  When they speak of their “god,” they also detail what C-Force would be in this un-producible state.  It is all part of the continuing, unrecognized dream of the undivided Primal Flow.  There are few who live to see such a thing.



Can you see how D-Force can appear to be both conserving and destructive?  If so, welcome to the land of not-was, never-now and “goodbye forever, here comes the mass-of-Saturday and the motion-of-space.”



How is it that you can “fake” a particular emotion, and actually begin to experience it?  “Emotion” is just a human name given to certain energies, and once started, they will flow to their proper quest.  So, there is nothing strange, and nothing is wasted.



There is a king of “effortless” communication that takes place for any specific awareness of what is being apparently, verbally exchanged.  It is not unlike two automobiles conversing by bouncing reflections off of their external, metal skins with no need to account for the workings of their internal engines.  Under such routine conditions, there is no need whatsoever for so-called “self-knowledge.”  (And only the routine sort would assume this is limited to conversation.)



There is that which “does itself” and that which you must do.  Now guess which one we’re here for.



The Primal Flow

I-consciousness could, for the first time, see rolling trains lowering their speed at marked crossings, and then conclude that locomotives are somehow physically slowed down by the appearance of crossing signs.  This is an example of the Primal Flow being held and contained by the I-Flow.



No movement of any kind is wasted in Life…(except perhaps me attempting to tell you this…no, it is still true, no movement of any kind is wasted in Life.)



The Primal Flow must divide and assume form to grow.



Some Men apparently experience Life from the skin out, and others, from the skin in. (Does anyone smell “I” and “Not-I”?)



The yellow/circuit is constructed to be curious in a manner that is fresh to the lower flow.  Do not overlook the care and feeding of this hungry young mouth.


The Basis of Consciousness

You cannot simply or directly alter the Primal Flow.  You can, however, learn to re-digest it via extended consciousness.



The basis of consciousness is mechanical and non-personal.  (Who but the weird-of-mind could fail to take that personally?)



There are intrinsically based differing speeds for the running of the Primal and I-Flows, an understanding of which would explain much that is presently incomprehensible.



It is not that you must learn to be tolerant and compassionate, but rather BE tolerant and compassionate.



“I” could simply be called:  “Primal Flow in a useable form.”  (That certainly won’t do, however, for the big-shots amongst us.)



Evolving Maps

If electrical was C-Force, what would chemical be?

If instinct is energy, what is form?

If the earth = D-Force, then what?



You must see Life running in a basically unalterable fashion, while having no particular feelings about the whole affair.



Once you begin to personally see what This Thing is about, there is only one form of suffering possible:  That is in recognizing it and not saying “hello.”



Another way in which you can Consider the “I + Not-I” equation is that from the view of the ordinary, they would perceive the “I” as the personality/ego of psychology, and the “Not-I” as their feelings of the body’s existence.



If you are satisfied with a map,
you don’t understand it.



The Do-or-Die-Method

The more you begin to see, smell and suspect, the closer you draw to the possibility – NAY, the necessity of the Do-or-Die-Method.



No just everyone wants a “mystical awakening.”  Some just want to hold back the flood.  (Many of you already suspect that the boat’s not actually sinking…just row on and enjoy the scenery.)



How-To-Know-You’re-Still-Ordinary-Part 11:

You feel that “I” is still somehow separate from the environment.

How-To-Know-You’re-Still-Ordinary-Part 12:

You believe that your initial conception of the “I + Not-I” equation was the correct one.




The D-Force is wont to manifest itself through “environmental identification,” such as through country songs, dramatic tragedies and soap operas wherein lives seem absolutely determined by circumstances and environment.



The Struggle to End Struggles

As energy seeks its final form in Man, it must pass through the recording-memory gate to reach the screen-of-consciousness and be recorded, and imprinted in memory.  What is unacceptable in the Few is to allow these automatic energies to pass the recording-memory gate in their established fashion so that you seem to “say it,” then “record it,” then “be it.”  This is gradual suicide.



You must see that you, and only you, can change a triad.



The only success is when there is no trace of a struggle.  It occurs when “I” and all of its voices have become irrelevant.  I’m sure you remember what I’ve already told you, that the Struggle of the Few is to end all struggles.



No human act or desire is of itself harmful to the person or to Life.  You should note that all are filled with inexplicable desires over which they suffer, but all desires, along with their corollary guilt, are natural and necessary.



To “act spontaneously,” one must plan to do so.  What the ordinary might call spontaneous would still be mechanical actions.  Only that which was willfully planned could approach spontaneity.



The Screen

Consciousness is like a magnetic field; a screen on which energy seeks one of its finalized forms.



“I” is not simply the Yellow circuit and consciousness is not the information on the screen.  Consciousness is the screen.



Expanded lateral awareness is the first stage,
vertical expansion the second.



You must learn the total mechanics of Man, or be doomed as part of its machinery.



At best, Man’s ordinary state is in the act of energy reaching its final form in the Yellow circuit so that the information shown and the screen-of-consciousness are merged into a workable “I.”



Never Never Look Back

Although there is some built-in leeway in each person’s apparent fundamental pitch, the Few have the need for the nervous/system not to be constantly de-established by every passing tone.



Don’t ever look back…never, never, never, double never.  Nothing is gaining on you but reflections of that which you fear up ahead.



You must see the need to stop inner flowing energy from assuming its natural form.  You must see-it, or be-it.



People say, “You are what you eat,” but I say, “Vice versa to you”…and even “Versa vice to that.”



My tricks and tasks are like maps wherein seems to be a primary object and destination.  But there is also a secondary purpose and locale which you must discover through your own travels.



Horizontal gurus do not truly want their followers to “know the truth,” since they themselves do not know.

