Stories for Sunday
According to legend, there is only one way in which a mythical warrior can die: by drowning -- in the flow.
The mental sea of collective humanity holds a billion indistinguishable faces dead by suffocation.
The Mathematics:
Heroism = courage,
and Courage = knowledge.
Fear = ignorance,
and Ignorance = fear.
The simple want stories of action,
the sophisticated like those of speculation.
Only a few there accept no less than tales of absolute certainty and finality,
to the point of their own self-destruction.
The Conditioning:
To live normally is to be weak and flabby, to live heroically is to be strong and firm...internally speaking.
Talk & The Greater Mythology:
Though routine tales tell of a common goal, in truth, each knight has his own personal grail, and, once found, everything he says after that is but social converse.
There is no such thing externally as a "superior man" -- only a meaner one. True heroism is strictly an internal affair (which fact alone makes it of no interest to the ordinary).
The Compassion of the warrior is, while knowing he can't help, he doesn't harm.
The King one day asked the Royal Philosopher: "Did we not exist in a land of even-numbered dimensions, would so much of our life be apparently constructed of dual parts?" But inquire not, regarding mere external conditions; rather look to the internal structure of your own thinking apparatus.