About Us

Members of Jan’s original group in Atlanta are building this site. (That's us you hear laughing in the audience during his talks.)  We are not here to interpret any of it, but there are some threads that are easier to follow than others as you begin to listen, hence the curations we are assembling.

Having first-hand knowledge of how beneficial it is to experience maps of consciousness and what were once called “Work methods” that originated in this time and this place (i.e., in our own culture by a contemporary teacher) we decided that all of Jan’s materials needed to be on the web.  We have been converting the analog tapes to digital files for nine years—so now you get to see and hear this, just as we did, except that you have the option to hit rewind and hear something over again.

In addition to his talks, we have been archiving Jan’s artwork and his unpublished papers, as well as the “Work product” of our group’s many creative projects (for example, Evoteck theater) completed under his direction.  So, there is quite an adventure in store for you here, if you are of a mind to become involved in this.  (If you do get stuck, just leave us a note via the Contact us page until we get the social aspects of the site worked out.  We might be able to point to something on the site that helps.)

To more effectively promote all of this, we have girded ourselves as Jan’s Legacy Fund, Inc., a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Alongside this web project, we are currently archiving Jan’s work to be permanently housed in the Hargrett Rare Book Library of the University of Georgia. There are other ongoing projects, including Jan Cox: Continuum, jancoxmedia, C.S.I.Press, New Intelligence, and Paradigm, as we reach out in various public faces.

We intend to make this site self-supporting so it can outlive us, so if you find something beneficial or entertaining, be sure to leave something in the tip jar.  Donations to Jan’s Legacy are tax deductible.