About "Kyroot"
Kyroot is Jan's literary fellow-traveler who timelessly roamed the planet observing the humorous ups and downs brought on by the divided nature of men's minds. (Kyroot being the result of Life's earliest experimentations in brain-building that led to its latest, ever boastful and complaining production—modern man).
Kyroot is Jan's "cosmic performer in the Work tradition of spiritual comedians and psychological assassins." His source is not some ancient lineage, but rather a point-blank understanding of how our minds function (regardless of how men believe they function). Settle back into your cushy cerebrum and enjoy the show.
Oh, before you get too comfy, here's one of Jan's early papers that reveals what that fellow Kyroot was up to:
“ In the second century preceding the rise of Al ba ka, the spirit of Kyroot traveled the breadth of the earth, seeking those men who could profit from his teaching of The Work, but when he found apparently suitable students and revealed to them the “true nature of things,” he discovered that they immediately began to distort and misuse the new knowledge. They would select and use only that which did not conflict with their current beliefs and opinions. Kyroot then realized that man had no real interest in personal development and increased understanding if it were to be had at the expense of his vanity and imagined self-importance.
After some consideration, Kyroot decided upon another approach. To combat man’s unrecognized biasness, and undigested, theoretical opinions, Kyroot, almost at random, began to turn many things “upside down,” whereby much in man’s life became its own opposite. Up became down, good became evil, and what used to be true became false.
But rather than being shaken out of his folly and imagined certainty, man rose to the occasion, and quite soon people became accustomed to the strange, new situation, and simply adjusted themselves to regard up as down, true as false, and so on.
When Kyroot saw that his reversal process was not having the desired effect, he left, and went his way. Until he returns to re-establish the proper order of things, and to show man up from down, and right from wrong, only a very, very few can find their way and benefit from his teachings and experiment.”