Once Upon A Time...

Epic tales of heroic adventures are only of interest to those who've never been on one.

There was once a knight who followed his charge to its ultimate end -- then, when there, wondered: "What now?"

Behind all dead ends stands the obvious; and behind it -- The Secret itself.



The useless always cries out: "Over here! -- I'm over here!" While that sought by the Few -- although here -- remains forever silent.                                            



Of the two types of courage apparently possible for man (physical and mental), mental might at first seem the easiest to possess and the least significant of the two, since most men find physical threats more fearful than mental ones -- but such a conclusion is rash.             



If the true measure of the hero is in his private internal battles, is it any wonder that heroes are so seldom seen by external sight?



There was once a machine that was run by two engines, one fueled by gas, the other by electricity, but their distinction and separation-of-labor was more illusion than reality.



There were once two brothers, and one would often say: "I don't feel like it." While the other was given to saying: "I don't think I will." And sometimes, when no one was looking -- including themselves! -- they'd swap clothes.



A knight riding two steeds can make no progress unless he knows the names of both. It is not possible for an ordinary man to realize how little he knows -- it takes one more conscious to do so.



...And there was once a man who said: "I once was stupid, then I was smart, but it turned out I was always both, at the same time, until I realized it -- then, everything changed."
