Follow the Cake Crumbs

You can: act without thinking, and think without acting – but, only a man with three eyes can do both simultaneously.  There are no finite realities, only finite mental perceptions.  Thus is all ordinary thought relative and restless, making all it perceives appear likewise.

Sleep = Relativity:

Boulders more closely equate with being awake.

Then there is this thing that is a deity to another group of creatures, who, whenever they say anything to him, always lazily replies:  “Yeah…I know what you mean,” when in fact, he damn well doesn’t.  (I remind you, believers in a spirit-of-the-supernatural-within-man know more than they realize they know – but they got the wrong word.)

Hey, if you wanna, we can meet back here tomorrow.  You can find your way back here, right through the tangle of neural vines and all…huh?  All you gotta do is follow the cake crumbs I dropped along the way today.   ….WHAT?! – You ate them while I was talking?!  Hey, my kinda, save-nothing-for-later guy!


Recent Findings

Medical Update:

According to recent findings, the blood needed by the rectum is not the same type as required by the brain.  (These findings, however, are preliminary.)


If news from the ordinary world was not so inherently silly, it wouldn’t have to be treated so seriously.

“Okay, contestants, the answer is:  the facts don’t fit the acts.”  Now what is the question?  That’s right:  “Describe man’s mental world.”


Half Brother of the Above:

The flimsier the product – the pushier the promotion.


It is impossible to see yourself as you are, looking through the eyes life provides.



Heard by the Herd

Everything in the second reality exists in two different environments:
The one perceived of by the collective, and the one known to be by the few.

The way this materially plays its tune out, is that those who recognize human events in their true context are not heard by the herd to comment.

A Reliable Tip:

If it‘s something you don’t hear about, it’s safe to believe.


The creatures of one reality truly loved to hear their god talk to them.  Afterwards, they would always ask him for additional clarification of his remarks, until one day he stopped everything, and said:  "Wait, let me get this straight; not only do you want to hear what I have to say, but on top of that you also immediately want me to explain what I just said?!"  (And only a few of them – got the message within the message.)


People who believe in a god that directly affects their lives are smarter than they realize.  (Although they’re using the wrong word.)


Snoozing as You Sled

When your existence in the mental, second reality, is not recognized for what it is, that “more or less works,” (sad to say for some.)


Those with nothing worthwhile to talk about, talk about themselves.


 Stepson of the Above:

A man full of quotes is full of shit, (or, emptiness – your choice).


A major distraction in the mind is that “present appearances” have the propensity to seem contemporaneous – where as, such is not necessarily the case.  Thus, can a man’s thoughts live a life of total anachronism – eternally out of synch with physical reality.   (In certain parts of Sighberia this is known as, “snoozing as you sled.”)


One man’s motto is, “It’s all according to how you look at things.”  He admits that this has never helped him at all, but says that it is still his motto just the same.



Two Edges

Here we are on another day, another conveyance in yet another cellular and neural configuration.
And yet, somehow, some things remain remarkably similar for those with that certain interest.
No matter when, no matter where, the person attempting to get-to-the-bottom-of-things is always still here, at this time.


‘Tis good, (is it not), to be right here – right now?  For, it is only right here, right now, that you can ever have any effect on your state of neural awareness.  So, assume a receptive mental position, and let’s give your potential for awareness something worthy of its capability:


Contemporaneous Hints, Kicks and Info from Living Locales:


A man with important metaphysical ideas
 can stop a bullet with his mind…
if he’s lucky…and his mind’s not.

There are always two edges to every story:
The false one and the physical one…
and whereas ordinary men either derive pain or pleasure,
an awakened man experiences simply the passing of a breeze.

No matter how large a photograph may be blown up,
it will never fully portray the scene it represents. 
The same is so with thought and its perceptions of life.


To Be Alive

Here‘s how it goes with our species, in a little poem entitled:  

To Be Alive”

To be alive is to be human;
to be human is to think,
and to think is to think that
there is more to being a human
than there actually is;
to be confused as to what
it is exactly – To Be Alive. 

(Being “asleep,” as some call it, is being in denial of your humanity.)        

If our instincts could become conscious of the world that our mind has constructed, and which is its primary place of residence, our instincts would conclude that our mind is insane. Remember my recent health tip:  if, (as is commonly claimed by psychiatry, et al), talk can cure men’s mental problems, then talk must be their cause.  (Every two way street runs in both directions – even those marked, “One Way.”)


Standing amidst a massive metaphysical library, a father said to a son: “Do you understand, 
notwithstanding the varied descriptions proffered throughout the ages about certain men wanting to Awaken, that to achieve Enlightenment, know The Truth, be Liberated, and so on, what is truly involved is simply the mind’s desire to understand thinking, and anyone who says otherwise hasn’t got a clue?!”


Sit and Consider

Have you ever been in more attractive conditions than where we are today!  I’m glad you brought us here.  You grew up nearby, didn’t you?!  I cannot imagine a better place to sit and consider news pertinent to that particular interest responsible for our meetings. Lend an ear and I will tell you what’s hot and topical for the minds of the few on this fine day.



There were two princes who fought for control of a kingdom.  When the first one was in control, the place was as noisy and frantic as a video game.  While the other was in control, it seemed as though he didn’t know exactly what to do with the place.  The first one appeared oblivious to the second one’s existence, but not the other way around.  One was in control much more often than the other.


Ordinary men are fascinated by their stomachs and sex organs; mystical men are fascinated by their minds.  Mystical men could do better than this; ordinary men can’t.  (One guy decided to get a face lift…but then thought: “Nah, I’ll do a mind lift first, then see how I feel.”)

Trying to wake up without understanding thought is to always be, (hold up your thumb and forefinger, almost touching), THIS close – but never quite getting there.


To arouse yourself from the routine drowsy state, don’t waste our energy: don’t waste your energy chasing happiness, or wealth; pursuing knowledge, or fame, or seeking the mystical; but rather, develop the capacity to think the truth about yourself.


Whatever Happens

The brain does not produce thoughts for the purpose of dealing with simplicities.  Nay, on the contrary, thought is specifically constructed to work with the physical complexities that are the conditions of life, and to break them down into simpler, mentally manageable pieces.  But thought, as now constructed, is not built nor intended for the contemplation of the simple and obvious.  It is not programmed to have an interest in how things ARE, but rather, how they COULD be; not interested in “The truth of what happens,” but an open-ended, “Truth” that is forever arguable.


The “Truth” about things, to a man’s ordinary thinking, is whatever his thinking can momentarily imagine they COULD be, while the truth to super-heated thinking is:  whatever happens.  It’s not whatever the thoughts in your brain SAY happened; not whatever they say COULD have happened; and not anything they say SHOULD have happened. This is what makes up “the truth” of ordinary reality… but not one perceived by a man who can see-to-the-bottom-of-things.  Such a person takes into account only whatever actually happens, both “out there” (in life), and, “in here” – (in what is, apparently – him).


Nothing that will ever naturally pass through your mind will ever reveal to you “the truth” about things.  Only the things themselves can do that – and they do so – relentlessly!  Life is revealing to you "the truth" at every moment, by letting you witness – what actually happens.



It is up to you whether you see what actually happens, or not,
and whether you recognize that what you see happening IS the long sought-for “Truth” –
and that there IS no other truth.


(Simple, huh…and neater than the curl in a pig’s tail.  Oink Galahad – oink!)


The Truth is What Happens

The routine cellular activity that produces thought in our brains is not arranged in such a manner as to act like a mouth that can swallow itself…which is about what it takes to, “Wake up.”  Ordinary thought cannot take in completely the reality of those five words:  “The truth is what happens,” in that it is immediately unable to see that what EVER comment it may have in reaction IS now a part of “what happened.”  Every time your thought denies the truth of the statement, your denial becomes part OF the truth of the statement.


Trying to shake your brain’s cellular activity of consciousness into a new mode of operating,
is truly akin to a mouth attempting to swallow itself.  Staying frustrated, and unable to accomplish this, is due simply to your failure to recognize how things are in your own neural headquarters.  Your heart, lungs and all the rest of your body know that, “The truth is what happens,” but the thoughts that normally occupy your mind never will – they never can.


The job of thoughts is to think about what happens in life in ways OTHER THAN it is.  Only by operating so, is man able to change the natural conditions of this planet to better accommodate his particular needs.  Thus, while neural activity is a boon to his physical life, it seems disinclined to do anything beneficial for itself, in the sense of self-scrutiny and revelation. 


The very stuff of specific interest to those men already being driven by their own neurons urging them to, “Search for The Truth” – (which in truth IS):  a search for the truth about thought.  And in this – you will get no natural help from your own thoughts.  The simplicity of it confuses the mind.



What a game!
What a sport;
the reality of which, few –
even among “The Few” –
ever come to realize.




"The Truth"

(The Little Mermaid can never recognize Christian Anderson as, “The Truth.”)

The “Truth” is what happens.

There it is, and there is nothing else to say.  The first word said after that is useless, and any after that – misdirection.  But note; even after hearing the truth about, “The Truth,” your mind is probably not instantly Enlightened and satisfied.  It still wants to argue and debate the issue; pick holes in the sentence; accuse it of gross “materialism.”  (Ooooooo – the mystic’s ultimate insult and dismissal!)


There it is and there it remains: 
The Truth” is what happens.


The instinctive mind of the brain knows this full well; this has never been in question.  The entire life of your body operates by this principle:  it’s your hand selecting; your mouth opening;  your throat swallowing; your stomach accepting; your bowels boweling; so that life, in your case, goes on.


This is all based on this simple reality:  
The Truth” is what happens.

(And of course, if you somehow ate poison and you died, that was “the truth” of what happened in that particular instance.)



A Search for The Truth

All human speech, (verbal or written), that does not concern factual physical matters, and that is not mere social lubricant, is about a – “A Search for The Truth.”  Men may call their particular activity the study of:  history, anthropology, psychology, philosophy, theology, sociology, political science, the liberal arts, etc., but the underlying reality is and has always been the same thing: a search for – “THE TRUTH.”


You do not have to be an academic, or even know how to spell “philosophy,” to be so engaged.  Every time a man talks about the kinda guy he is, or comments on one football team’s superiority, or denounces some other person’s opinions on any subject, the man is engaged in a search for “The Truth.” 


Note that I put, “The Truth” in quotation marks, and even though everybody believes it exists, there is no common agreement as to how it can be objectively recognized.  A man telling you about the kinda guy he is, is searching for the TRUTH about what he is, via his endless, self-centered palaver.  There is no pre-established standard set by which he will be able to ultimately recognize the truth about what he is, as separate from all that he has said about himself that is not the truth.  And men debating the relative merits of different sports teams have no final, impartial model by which to make a conclusive determination of, “The Truth” about which is the better team.


Verbal tug-of-battles in all other second reality areas such as politics, religion, economics and morality, are in the same situation. The cellular activity in men’s brains, called the mind, is in a relentless search for, “The Truth,” but will admit to having no advance notion as to how it is to be correctly recognized – if found.  The popularity of religions is based on their claims of having such knowledge from extrinsic, super-human sources; brain cells pointing their little fingers away from themselves as they insist that the image they just made up actually exists – “just over there somewhere.”


Those of a more metaphysically wired mind of course, profess The Truth to BE “Metaphysical,” perhaps being SO removed from everyday life as to be beyond human comprehension.  But as is always the case, (if not the six pack), to a clear channel eye – the matter is not nearly so uncertain.  It’s just a matter of the mind being a creature of a reality of which it was also the creator – which, pragmatically, results in a situation wherein, (as should  be a surprise to no one), an eyeball in a Dali painting cannot, even with its very best efforts, ever see itself in context, or perceive its origin.



A man would never survive the first few miles and years of this journey without the concept of “making progress” toward the destination.  But those who begin to get hip to the trip, eventually realize that, via this concept, they have been traveling with a hobbler.


When it comes to long distance travel, a man could not make up a worse foe than, “Tomorrow.”  There is no greater enemy to a man’s real progress toward awakening than the idea of “Progress.” As long as there is a future, then no matter how asleep you are right now, at least you can be more awake later…tomorrow…when things are better – NO YOU CAN'T.


Thinking that you can always be more awake, at some future time, after you have made more progress, will ultimately stop you from any progress.  For those who would internally step into a new, expanded version of this life, there is no tomorrow, the future is just another dream, and progress, warm covers to keep you in bed.


“The struggle to awaken!” – how grand it sounds.  “I am not yet awake, but I am gradually getting there!” –  how comforting  and reasonable!  A struggle one must undertake; a journey one must make; a trial one must endure, and in the beginning, (which for some can last a lifetime), that sounds right and feels right.  And from your thought’s experience, it must BE the rightful view of this undertaking; but it supremely is not. 


The strongest, okay, the onliest opposition there is to you being awake, enlightened and liberated this very instant is – Later…some other time…when circumstances are different.  “Rome wasn’t built in a day.”  Olè!...Touchè!  “Weasel-me-out-of-it-mama – eight-to-the-bar!”


Tomorrow's Imaginary Fire

Thoughts are serial – awakening is not.
Thinking about awakening is serial – doing so is not.
Pondering the progress you’re making toward awakening is serial – dah de dah de dah.      

“I must do that which I have not yet done; I must complete that which I have left undone.  I feel confident that even though it did not arrive today, the cement will surely be here tomorrow.”  A man must have faith in the future; he must take heart from the progress he has made.  Zip a de do dah – toss another log on tomorrow’s imaginary fire.    

If an inadequately prepared sojourner was made to believe that there really is “No Tomorrow,” he would be instantaneously disabled, and rendered unable to move.  His view of the awakening project would be fatally shattered, and him left in a prison of despair, while an alert traveler, when this information is made available to him, is LIBERATED.  He is set free from the totally confining dreams of, “I’ll be more myself and awake tomorrow; all I’ve got to do is keep working on it.”  Wamp bamp a lu bop – jump back in the alley.  

Ahhh – here’s the fresh coffee, hand me your cup…lean over and listen:           
Nothing is required of an awakened mind, while the work of a distracted one is never done. A man’s consciousness, when distracted, is consciousness asleep, and a man’s consciousness, when distracted by the wrong idea about waking up, is still consciousness asleep.     

Everyone thinks they’re in prison; it’s an illusion.
If you think you can get out – you’re more imprisoned than everyone else.


The Construction Site

When men undertake a project there is always a certain concern, constantly lurking and hovering, whose presence is necessary for efficient labor; the concept of – progress.  In the construction of a building, it’s the work schedule for its completion. When a man undertakes to awaken his consciousness from its dreamy state, he could not have a worse enemy – one who ultimately binds him.


On the construction site, it’s constantly, “Are we on schedule?  Will the cement be here in the morning?  Will the ironworkers be finished by Friday?”  On the brain site, where a man undertakes his neural project, such concerns are blasphemies, insults, work-stoppages, union-corruption and sharp pokes to the eye of the architect. 


Progress is the solid partner in physical constructions, while in the enlightenment project, it is distinctly otherwise, and in fact is a kind of on-site be-deviler, going by such names as: “Tomorrow,” “Progress” –  but it’s all the same thing – all the same game.


Without the concept of making “progress,” work on a physical project will never get completed, while just the OPPOSITO-EL-TOE-TOE is so on the enlightenment one.



Be Direct

More Regarding The Excesses of Conversation:

Anything you say after, “Oh really?”… is unnecessary.

If something has practical veracity, then it must be valid from any direction – even the opposite, so, “buy one, get one free” would also be genuinely: “get one free, buy one.”


The big time waste of talent is in finding anomalies in the second reality rather than trying to comprehend its essence.  Dolts see a flawed world because of a crack in their glasses; anti-dolts are busy trying to find a home study course in glasses.

And finally: “Assorted, (and some might say), Oblique Approaches to Waking Up”:

Talk, don’t listen; write, don’t read; do – be not done to; go, never wait, and above all: never plagiarize or quote even from a hero or genius; be only yourself and original…even if it’s loopy.



Remember, make the dummy do his own talking…(and I am not at all certain that the above approaches should be called, “Oblique,” for they could scarce be less pragmatically direct.)

Until tomorrow, gang –
be direct --
QUIET and direct.



Make the Dummy Talk

Only the weak and childish cannot see the fact that you do not have a nose if you are never diagnosed as having one.  No man is Hubert until he stands and declares:  “I am Hubert!”
Fact: No lion is named Hubert.
Fact: No lion has ever been “asleep.”|
(Leastwise no one’s ever had the nerve to tell a lion that he is.)


To be “asleep” in the classical, mystical sense, (simply put), is to be stupid.  But believe me, it is possible for the would-be awakened, to be even stupider – you would like to figure out for yourself how?!  A father said to a son, “If you want to be solidly assured of retaining your totally lost status be sure to always look where other people point.”

There was once a ventriloquist who sought enlightenment, and concluded that his dummy’s ceaseless chatter was keeping him in place.  After finding HIMSELF unable to stop the dummy’s yammer, and devoting much consideration to the problem, he finally eureka-ed the solution:
“Make the DUMMY talk.”


There was once a man who had spent his whole life wanting to awaken, to whom I told this story, and after digesting it for a moment, commented:  “Back when I needed and could have used it, I would have given everything I had to have heard that story...of course, the way things go is that if I HAD heard it back then, I was in no position to realize what I needed.”


(That’s the great thing about the sport of awakening:
by the time it’s too late – it’s too late to do anything about it!)



Get Your Glasses Fixed

A man who has learned how to look around these glasses his mind was born wearing, discovers a world – just a world: a world in which there is nothing to complain about; a world needing no praise; just a world – just a place; the place where humans come in and humans go out.  No one invited you here, and you say you didn’t ask to come here; so be it, and so what? Even the other six billion people who do not believe, (will not admit), that man lives in a fuzzy cartoon, belie their pretension every time they complain.


A man’s complaints about the conditions of life don’t have a damn thing to do with life, but about his cracked thinking.  A complaining man is not actually complaining about whatever the matter is that he is complaining about, but rather he is complaining about the matter of his thinking being cracked, and him not being able to get an exact view of what’s really going on around him. 


An alert person’s self-directed mantra should be:
“Hey man, either get your glasses fixed, or shut the hell up!”

No one “knows” what’s going on, and what gives religion and the occult their popularity is that they are the only ones who seriously pretend to.  A father told a son, “To be asleep is to say more than is necessary,” and he inquired; “Which is?…”Well, what you just said, for example.”


Only two things can give away the fact to others that you’re asleep:  your behavior and your speech.  Only four things give away the fact to yourself: those two plus the way you feel and the way you think.  Ergo: stick to the basics and keep your mouth shut, and no one will ever know that you’re asleep.  In addition to that, ignore the way you feel and think, and you won’t know either.


Cracked Thinking

Ordinary men do not ordinarily act like their real selves because: first, such is not required, (contraire), and second, they do not know what it is since no one can “know” what it is.
Your real self is not something that you know, it is what you ARE, and about that, there is nothing TO know or be commented on.


At one school for would-be revolutionists, the entrance exam consisted of the applicant being asked to tell something about himself, and if he did, BAM! – he was out the door.

All of the many complaints that men have about the conditions of life have a common cause: cracked thinking.  A man does not notice it, but his thinking regarding the matter being complained of has been dropped, sat on, or otherwise mishandled, and has become cracked. At one time it may have been a fine example of thinking, but not now.  Something quite sad has happened to thinking, and sadder still is the fact that he seems unaware of what has occurred. 



I say that he “seems” unaware of the crack in his thinking for the simple reason that it curdles credulity to believe that a man cannot notice a crack running thru his thinking.  After all, your thinking is what you think with.  Thinking is like glasses you see life thru; how could a man not notice a crack therein since everything he mentally sees about life, he sees thru his glasses-of-thinking?


The output of this circumstance is that a man’s thinking about life never lines up exactly with the actualities of life.  This thinking produces photographs of life, which are always slightly out of focus with the images in your head, never in perfect registry with the physical realities they intend to reflect.


Why Me?

Why, after suffering a personal tragedy, do otherwise intelligent seeming men, when asked what their first thought was at the time invariably reply, “I thought why me?”  For what reason do they never think; “Why NOT me?!”  Why, when instantly faced with the inevitable realities of life, does a man’s thoughts, suddenly claim to have been expecting exemption there from?


What is there about being a homo-sapien – an animal that thinks, that makes man feel himself to be special?  Quite plainly, the fact that he does think does make him special.


Man’s motto could be:  “We are what we are because we think so HIGHLY of what we are AND, the reason we think so highly of what we are is because of what we are.”  Locally, man IS special, but he who so thinks of himself – squanders it.

Unless you screen out and ignore stimuli that is irrelevant to awakening; doze on, you will;
forever trapped in your bed and not even yours at that.

Mentally reacting to external randomness is the nourishment needed for a man’s pretend self 
to survive.  Every time you silently shout to one side; “Go get ‘em boys,” or to the other; “Shame on you guys,” you pull the pitiful parka of a pretended “you” just a little tighter around your already stifled, real self.


Mystical or Metaphysical?

The few who have historically said that they do not trust, or fully accept, the reality professed by the collective, and who  attempt to strike out on their own to unknown internal destinations, have as their slogan:  ”I am dreaming, but I can awaken,” which is simply yet another verbal variation of the supra notions:  ”Nothing beats experience,” and  “It is time for a change.” 



While living in a habit-driven, safe and undemanding world of dreams, with the hunger to be out of such an environment, comes a new and valid restating of what motivates me to write the Daily News and for you to eat on them.



Calling our interest, “mystical, or metaphysical” is a misstatement.  It is understandable from a collective man’s view, and even from the view of most of the few, who never really catch on to what’s actually going on.   But the reality of what wanting to “wake up,” or achieve, “enlightenment” in truth is, could not BE more physical and every day.  It is nothing more than life manifesting through a few people, a greater desire to change than is its norm. 


So here you are stuck, same as life, between wanting to cling to the safe experiences and thoughts of the past, and a hunger for a whole new life and world view.  (If YOU find, “wanting to wake up” frustrating, just imagine what it must like for Life?!)  Phew!  Thank god, sometimes for being just a little tadpole in this big old pond, huh?!)


(Psst – does anybody out there – “get it”?!)    

You know: what I'm REALLY talking about today…come on – sure you do!?! 
