On the Verge of Chaos
From the basis of taking Man as an uncivilized creature with a dark, unconscious underbelly to be repressed by a more social, orderly “I,” some are then labeled “deranged” on the judgment that this “I” is insufficiently developed. But this ignores the further possibility that such men may suffer, instead, from too much “I”…from too great a sense of individual isolation.
Once a Man begins to see and understand for himself the unrecognized nature of life, what should then be the proper action for him? Should he apparently undertake good works for the benefit of others with the full knowledge that nothing is to be accomplished, while understanding that a proper task can be to undertake that which is impossible, while remembering that certain attitude which gives no weight to apparent outcomes? Or, should he perhaps seek to find a loose thread in the fabric of Life, and pull on it to gain the attention of others with The Hunger?
Life will sometimes allow Man small glimpses of little-secrets, for no matter how astounding they may be, they are almost immediately lost and forgotten amidst the normal swirl of Life’s sandstorms. But there is a Big Secret whose long range effect is so potentially dangerous that any awareness of it is stripped from a Man even before its discovery.
The Few begin to see the continuing outcome of this process-of-Life resulting in a chancy kind of order always on the verge of chaos.
Often times a plant will develop a certain toxin to discourage its consumption by certain predators, who in turn, will then develop their own detoxification mechanism, and then the plant will increase the potency of its toxin, and so on; and within a closed system. The Few would well consider: To what avail is such internal conflict produced, allowed and nurtured.