Poets, Philosophers & Priests
/At first, one man told Life: “Let me out of here,” then realized that his mind was in fact the only performer who could take off his vest without removing his jacket. In a world of determinable dimensions, it seems impossible that anything could turn itself inside-out, but don’t bet the Studebaker on it. Where do you think the extraordinary comes from and disappears to anyway?
One man had two places to sit –
but he didn’t like either one of them.
POETS: Serious Idiots: “Equal time – oh, wherefore art thou – equal time!”
PHILOSOPHERS: The seriously serious.
PRIESTS: The idiotically serious.
ARTISTS: The non-serious,
But poets are still the “Serious Idiots”!
“Come back – little idiot!”
“I’ve always relied on the kindness of the serious.”
“Bubble, bubble – toil and trouble, equal times will cook me alive.”
POETS: The End.
And now this Feature:
“How the Normal Care and Feeding of the Mind, can Lead to an Expansion Of Consciousness” – but first this message regarding how to stuff a tomato to the point that it’ll turn into a pumpkin.
Is there anyone who can prove that there’s an actual struggle between the quantities-of-the-mind, and the quality-of-consciousness?