Regardless of its oftimes bewildering, and frightening appearances, This Thing is a holy endeavor; however, the proper understanding of the word “holy” is available only in the mind of tomorrow. Thus it is that “goodness-as-growth” does prevail, but Man’s perception thereof forever remains a day behind.
Words are as blood to the Yellow/Circuit, food for the mind, and you must take direct responsibility for this area of nourishment, the same as you would oversee the intake of fit food for the physical circuits.
This Thing is indeed like the planning and construction of a tri-functional space flight, and while at first it seems overwhelming in complexity, and the destination far away, it later reveals a warm simplicity with an objective as close as tomorrow.
The excuse of, “I didn't intend that result,” for one's speech or behavior is not even conditionally acceptable for those on this flight. Although not morally or legally prohibited, for the Few it is a compounding of a circuitry felony. (And the only court of appeals here is in one's own determination not to look back, with the equal commitment to by-pass the illusionary present.) In such sterile halls-of-justice, no excuse can breed and survive.
Although I have often reminded you that This is not the critic of Man, when any of its messages still strike you as such, you are what could presently be called a bulls-eye in search of an arrow.