What is Time?

There is a quite real and specific difference between the “acting” I have mentioned to you, and ordinary peoples’ attempt to alter their prevailing behavior.  They will begin to try and “act” like a “happy person,”,a “Christian person,” a “non-hungry fat person,” and so on.  And their circuits will try and adopt and adapt to these new proclamations, and the Yellow one, can in fact, adamantly insist on the controlling existence of the claims, physical reality notwithstanding.  But my “acting” requires the continual awareness that acting is just that, acting.  You cannot allow the voices to tell you that the act has become the reality.  To properly learn and grow from “acting,” one must never forget that its just-an-act.



There are forms, and there is energy.  There are messages, and then the mediums, and it is most often that Men cannot distinguish between a vessel and its cargo.  So, ponder our thought for the day:  Guns can’t hurt you, but bullets will make you wish you’d stayed in bed.



Since everyone finds the subject of such interest, I’ll tell you what time really is:

It is the shift in emphasis from one of the Forces to another.  Time began on this level when the Three Forces arranged themselves in the proper position for the dance to begin.  Since then, time moves as the three partners continually change their positions from leading-the-step to following, and so on through all possible combinations.



If you find individual Men silly, short-sighted and full of witless self-importance, just take a larger look at Life itself; there is the source and storehouse of all foolishness, imprudence, and sophomoric behavior.  No wonder Men are driven to cast gods with features serious and stern.  How could it be otherwise?



Another hint to help you identify and understand the presence of the D-Flow is to remember that it seems always either angry, frightened or tired.



And now my rap-thought for the week, (dedicated to the ordinary, of course, but you can all sing along): 
“Just when you think you know-it-all,
is just about the time you blow-it-all.”

