Making the Useful Beautiful
For those of you who sometimes pine for the halcyon days of simple truths, and uncomplicated directions, here you go: Those who don’t pay their own way usually don’t go anywhere. (Unless you enjoy watching your neighbor’s slides.)
Then there was another ole sore-head in the City who offered this off-priced, philosophical notation, “I have been able to somewhat limit my righteous rage, and control my intellectual expectations, in a manner somewhat related to a method used by Sir Isaac Newton and that is, I have positioned myself upon the shoulders of mental pygmies.”
And yet from another verbal view, we could say that the real Revolution is in making the useful beautiful, and even vice versa.
I cannot vouchsafe for the veracity of the tale, but it was told of a far side of Life’s universe/body where death only happened to those who knew OF death.
The Revolution is NOT about “getting out of the City” only to settle back down, and accept some NEW set of limits.