Mock Seriousness

Ordinary wit, ordinary wit I say, is usually at the expense of a Man’s understanding; sad, but true, ha ha ha.



In the City, if you run across a Man who doesn’t like to talk, you have found yourself a corpse, or a displaced hermit.



No one can correctly describe “things as they are” if they are limited to the truth, and only the crudest of City-ites would even dream of trying.  If you just come-right-out and “say” what something is, you’ve probably ruined it for everybody (and you’re no Monet, Moliere of mine.)



Men unthinkingly hurl the cliché, “Too good to be true.”  But in our case is it just barely possible that this could BE possible?  (Or is it just another instance of “Too CORRECT to be true”?)



In the City, all seriousness is mock seriousness.

Yet, in the Bushes, even mock seriousness has its place and is fun.



Never forget:  God helps those who help him.  (Well, what’d you think?)

