
Although he conserves all things as is possible, the Revolutionist also knows that all things are ultimately expandable and disposable…(Did I say “things” or “traits”?)



In the City, praises are sung to nationalism, humanism, republicanism and socialism, but the Revolutionist knows that ALL “isms” are prisons – for him.  (It’s not so much that he doesn’t “believe in” anything in the ordinary sense, it’s more like he simply doesn’t believe in anything.)



The “correct” is useable, the “true,” debatable.  (Do you find it “interesting” that the State’s most expansive religion dates Man’s history from his original act of rebellion?)



Heard another man say that, “The Church is not subject to reform in that it is a specific work-of-god, and thus, already perfect.”  (Guess who he worked for.)



Fact:  If you’re going to Mongolia, go on to Outer. (It’s not that much further anyway.)

