...Not Half as Much

After many years of sampling various mystical systems, one man says he now has a "mental yeast infection."




When this one man knew that he wasn't going anywhere, he'd sometimes make sounds "vud-en! vud-en!" like a revved-up motorcycle. His mind loved this! (Since what I is talkin' about was not going anywhere mentally.)




Whenever he'd think about it, this one guy'd think, "What a shame."
(I assume you know that he was thinkin' about his thinkin'?)

 Okay, extreme form of a previous definition: 
Intellectuals--people who want to stop the merry-go-round with no idea what they'd do after that.




One guy told another guy, "You sure do annoy me."

And the other guy said, "Yeah, but not half as much as I do myself."

And the first guy said, "So, is that supposed to make me feel better?"

And the other guy said, "Yeah, but not half as much as it should me."
