(Keep It To Yourself)

As an aside…as even a parenthetical aside,
might I note, that were it not for talk,
this would all fall apart…keep it to yourself.


Then yet another guy said,
“I’m not really all that inhospitable,
except to people other than myself.”


Those, in this life, who think there is a difference
between, “Having a vote,” and “Having a vote
that is counted,” have not yet been in this life
long enough to learn much.


More Cooling Comfort For The Haplessly Overheated:
Uncertainty in big matters,
doesn’t matter so much.


Whatever the moral or scientific question,
the answer is “polarity.”

(Why can’t things be as simple everywhere
as they are Some wheres?)


One chap writes to tell us that,
“You have lived sufficiently long in the City,
when your own private thoughts begin to be
interrupted by commercials.”
