Family Traditions
Those who criticize the past
are deaf to the past,
and those who fear the future
cannot see the future.
I know of this certain, foreign universe, subject to the general weight of creation,
with sentient creatures whose “family traditions” continually die yet
perpetually survive.
The normal brain is no loyal friend,
save to its own silent ancestors.
The mostly unknown (though largely allegorical), famous Tritainium Triplets
were one day discussing their individual views of man’s most beneficial
technological milepost in the long march to progress, and the first one said,
“Without any doubt it is the general development of the field of electronics.”
The second one added, “Why be hesitant, more specifically, I would say,
would be the invention of television.” And the third one countered, “Ah, brilliant
choice, but I would refine it to the ultimate development of color television,"
and the fourth one finessed by saying, “Nope, tis' the volume control.”
The more simple and the more complex
are the two least mechanically inclined
to tell you “what kinda guy they are.”
(Although this might be of no practical
use to you personally, it is noteworthy to know.)