Guilded Cage

Conversation overheard in a local library:
“Hey listen to this quote,
‘The critic who first praises a book
is second only to its authority, honor and merit.’”
They librarians enjoyed some snorts, and chortles,
and then one said,
“What bricklayer you reckon wrote that?”


The president-elect of this one planet
secured his victory by making the same speech
at every corner of his world; he would mount the platform,
look around intently at all assembled, then shrug and declare,
“We’re all precious birds in a gilded cage.”


Sorehead Quote Of The Week:
Guy says, “When I was a younger man
I seriously tried to like those who disagreed
with me, but now that I am no longer a child
I have not the time for foolish experiments."


On this one, somewhat cautious little world,
they give “X ratings,” and in some cases even prohibit,
movies that show full frontal intelligence.


One neural émigré asks of man,
“If it is better to be ‘safe than sorry’
would it likewise be better to be dead than alive?”
(Can’t foreigners be down right disruptive.)
