Funny Shoes

According to reports, there’s a guy in a flashy suit with neon shoes hanging around
the park who approaches people with children, and after a few perfunctory pats on
the head asks, “How many miles you got on this kid?”
(The reports go on to note that some parents want this stopped, while others want
more details regarding possible trade-ins.)


A man with funny shoes
doesn’t care where he walks.


It’s been reported that one Neural Subversive said that to finally “do This
you've almost got to be an environment unto yourself.


If you’re coming and going
it doesn’t matter whether you’re coming or going.



One sorehead’s kid was admonished by a neighbor regarding his crude speech
and behavior thusly, “Being considerate of other people’s feelings doesn’t cost you
anything you know.”
And the lad retorted, “Say what!”
“That’s right, a little courtesy doesn’t cost you anything.”
The kid retired himself to a seat under a nearby tree and thought,
“You know, if that old geezer’s right, I’ll have to rethink my whole
concept of mathematics.”
