Jan Cox Talk 2690 - Notes by Cfish

Jan Cox Talk 2690  -  May 30 2001
Copyright Jan Cox, Jan’s Legacy 2014
Notes by Cfish December 2014

Suggested Title: Anywhere you Look (The Simplicity of Everything) 
From Jan’s Daily News 30 May 2001 > Thoughts, in their naturally occurring state, do not distinguish themselves from tangible entities, and even though they clearly be of a different reality, it is almost impossible to make them so aware. 

Begin: Do any of you consider how you, me, and others, have made time and  continue to make time to study mystical systems - to change the state of mind? But if you know how, there are things in ordinary life exceedingly more efficient. Anywhere you look, “man is instructed by the brain to do things.”

And no one analyzes it. Anywhere you look the simplicity of everything is astounding. A general feeling in life is that there is nothing to depend on.  An old protestant hymn had echoes of this in the line  “Change and Chaos all around I see, and Thou (God or Deity) that changeth not abide with me.”   

“Nothing to depend on” is a feeling - some people have it more than others. People are annoyed by the constant change and constant change is a form of chaos. Your wife may leave, the house you live in may burn down, and people are constantly lying.

So folks are looking for the unchanging. (Thou unchanging God) Abide with me and God in my heart are some of the ways the feeling is reflected. But what about “God in my Head?” Well-the head is strange enough without God being in there. (May be why none of my religions caught on) 

05:00  But other than a few anomalies there is very little change in the heartbeat of the world. So what are people looking at when they have feelings of change and chaos? And what are they looking at in having an unchanging God abide with me? Most lives are fairly hum drum. (Look at your parents and look at you.)

These feelings are the brain talking about itself. The brain is seeking structure. This also hit me. It is better for the safety of the state if many changes are made (when they are made) rather than a solitary change. It’s an obscure line and I am not sure why it is still remembered.

But it would be true and functional in the physical world. For example instead of a solitary “no wine on Sunday” if there were numerous changes such as “garbage pickup days,” “taxes on fuel lowered,” “and you no longer have to bow to Caesar when he goes by.”  People would not resent the many changes as much as they would the solitary change.

10;00  Any time you hear some conventional wisdom, and it sounds true, you should ask “why does it sound true?”  Just look around and don’t stop looking there. There is no answer but there is always something else. And there is value in the “something else.” 

(What do you think of the chances that you would come up with this alone? And it’s not because I am any smarter than you folks.) Popes to widows want the unchanging God to abide with me. It is the human brain looking, talking, and listening to itself. 

Do you realize when you are listening to comments in non-physical matters you are listening to what the brain said? God did not say it. Even if another human said it - it comes from the same place. And it is in the open. Conventional wisdom is the brain talking about itself.

15:00  Once the brain points outside of itself, (ex. God unchanging) after that, what does the brain see? It is not an unchanging God, it is the brain aware of its own operations. And it comments on them. Anytime it is not commenting on the physical world, the brain is commenting on itself.

The brain is like Mr. Hoover vacuum cleaner. If it is second reality, ( a term I made up a while back) if you can’t put your hands on it, the brain does not care which directions you blow. (ex. theology is good and then another brain saying no, theology is bullshit) 

Dust swirls this way and dust swirls that way. It is atheists supporting God. Once the brain sucks you in, you forget too often, commenting on the non-physical world (swirling of dust) means nothing. It is not that you did anything wrong. The brain is a franchise of the collective mind.  

It is not that you have gone wrong anywhere. The brain cannot look directly at itself and realize it is talking about itself. Dogmatically, if you can’t lay your hands on it - It is the brain (Franchise of the collective mind) talking about itself. 

20:00  But notice how difficult it is (I know you have glimpses) to keep that as your permanent state of mind. When someone starts talking movies, currency manipulation, it is the brain standing in front of Notre Dame chapel saying “Here is God.” It is the brain talking about some manifestation of itself.

Politics, Religion, Economics, all represent something humans do. There is always something going on. But the human brain made it up. And you miss the point calling it illusion. Once you realize what kind of reality we are considering you realize what “waking up” is. 

Waking up is being able to distinguish the physical from the non-physical. (Everyone’s brain can do it.) And it is still fascinating to me that the brain almost refuses to do it. Or the brain is not capable of doing it or of knowing it is doing it to itself.   

And if you ask why the brain almost refuses to distinguish the physical from the non-physical (things that represent what humans do) there is no answer. Why does the brain make something up - look off - and then pretend it did not make it up. (ex. The human brain made up God.) 

Forget it is a fundamentalist that made up God. The fundamentalist did not make God up, the human brain made God up. And when you ask the ordinary mind plugged into the collective mind it will say that God is not made up.

25:00 Does the brain refuse to see it made up this non-physical reality or is the brain incapable of seeing it? What possible reason or purpose does the brain have when it refuses to see that  some things humans do represent non-physical things the human brain made up?

And it continues to make stuff up everyday. What about the someone who is saving a “bottle of wine” for some reason and dies without opening it. Do you realize no one can know anything about themselves? Whatever “you” say about “you” is “you.” It is the “you” “you” say “you” know about.

To be sure you get it. You can look down and say “I have a foot.” You can know that. But to say you can know anything about yourself non-physically, it is literally not possible. And surely I have weakened you folks enough that if you work on it, it will hit you. 

It is a relief when you realize “you” is a dream. It is called “waking up.” It is not possible for “you” to know “you.” How can it be possible to go more than your whole life and never realize that?  

End (31:02)