Small Annoyances: Weekend Edition

After many years of sampling various mystical systems, one man says he now has a "mental yeast infection."




When this one man knew that he wasn't going anywhere, he'd sometimes make sounds "vud-en! vud-en!" like a revved-up motorcycle. His mind loved this! (Since what I is talkin' about was not going anywhere mentally.)




Whenever he'd think about it, this one guy'd think, "What a shame!"
(I assume you know that he was thinkin' about his thinkin'!)

 Okay, extreme form of a previous definition:
Intellectuals—people who want to stop the merry-go-round, with no idea what they'd do after that.





One guy told another guy, "You sure do annoy me."

And the other guy said, "Yeah, but not half as much as I do myself."

And the first guy said, "So, is that supposed to make me feel better?"

And the other guy said, "Yeah, but not half as much as it should me."

