A Man with a Yo-Yo

A Dialogue from Somewhere:

“I notice you never talk about religion, sex, or politics.”

“There’s nothing there worth talking about.”

“I disagree.”

“Okay, I’ll put it like this:  There’s nothing there worth talking about unless you THINK there is, and if you do – you aren’t worth talking to.”



At times of extreme duress, the apparent helplessness of man in the secondary world gave birth to the concepts of ritual, prayer and sacrifice.



A reader writes to us:

“My Good Sir, (and Madam):  I must disagree with what you’ve said about ‘self-reference,’ for indeed, (good people), if a man does NOT refer to himself – who will?!  (I assume you see my point.)  Yours, etc.”



A man with a yo-yo says:  “There is one thing for which you must credit the dense; they in no wise begrudge you joining them.”  (Hey-y-y…was that just you or someone disguised as a man with a yo-yo?!)

