The Universe is a Tricycle

This one city made this note:

“A man with a ‘bad attitude’ can, with just the teensiest bit of help from me, easily develop what is, to ME, a good and useful attitude.”  (And off to the side the city whispered:  “Truth-to-tell, the two are not all that different to begin with…Shhh!”)



The universe is a tricycle.



And now A Quiz Game, (are there any other kinds?!):

What is a metaphor for a metaphor? – A plain blank wall.

And the Quiz Master asked himself:  Couldn’t you just as well say, “An unaffected mountain?” (And just to keep up the little “joke,” replied to himself, “Hey, get outta my face!”)



When one man did realize that he was “his own best friend,” it made him so despondent that he turned to a life of drink and dissolution.  (Some years later, he thanked himself.)



Defying the harsh wind and the cold, one man mushed the hearty word onward:

Dreams:  Hormones’ attachment to thinking.

