Complex Time

As one mother advised her daughter, “Hey, if champagne didn’t have bubbles, it would be as clumsy as everyone else.”



Snippet of an overheard conversation:

“We don’t wanna be accused of shooting philosophers in a barrel.”



The father took up his serious sitting position and said, “Son, describing a thing just so you’ll know what it is, is like drawing a picture of a horse so’s you can take a ride…over to a place where they’re having a sale on corduroy.”  And the kid thought, “Is it possible that my very old man posed for the original pictorial definition of, ‘going too far’?”



After concluding one of his memorable bombasts in the speaker’s area of the City Park, this one sweaty chap stepped down from his high box and soap horse, and leering right past me and several other fine citizens exclaimed, “If you think I’m crazy now, you should have seen me tomorrow.”



Complex time is the supreme transportation system. in that it moves in all possible directions at once.

