Just a Matter of Taste
/One guy told his son: “Take as long as you need, and make a list of all the things that ordinary people think and talk about; then, forget about the son-of-a-bitch and everything on it!”
One man found it easier to get through life after he’d decided that everyone’s individual tastes are just a matter of taste.
A man’s mind said to him: “Say, if you’re not going all the way with this thing you keep thinking about, and you stay right here, then you oughta adopt and use this maxim, ‘A one-sided man is a happy man.’ Get my point!?”
And now another episode of “Familial Conversations”:
“Daddy, why do old people get so serious?”
“Well son, what else are they going to do!?”
(Be sure and tune in again next generation to see: “WHA-A-T’s NEW?”…if anything.)
If you live in your mind,
your time is never your own.