To See and to Know

To see and to know is to have no fear, for only the unknown and its imagined future can produce such fear.  To truly grow is to have no past and hence no basis for a fearful, imaginary future.



Ordinary people are want to say that “Man creates his future,” when it is just the reverse.



When an electrical system is reversed, it will suddenly and temporarily shut down.  Is there finally something that the alert might learn from electricians?



Who amongst you can begin to see “I” as a sustaining Force for the continuation of Life’s unfinished business?



Amidst the confusion and frustration of ordinary life, what is it that the Alert Few seek other than accelerated excitement and dissatisfaction.  (And some still wonder from whence the geniuses of tomorrow will come.)




The ordinary cannot see that they relive their lives over and over, hour by hour, minute by minute, without something extrinsic and astounding by which to compare and study it.

