The Secret to Drastic Change

While Life, on one level, moves slowly and gradually, Men, on their level, are driven to react and comment immediately.



The missing blood ingredient I have mentioned is, in part, the inability of Man’s circulation to tolerate and transport a stronger mix of C-type nourishment to the brain.  Real emotion resides within particular cells in the C-blood, and is that which is necessary for real change both within Man and Life. You must expand and make your circulatory system strong enough to handle this emotion enriched, C-type blood.  This is the secret to drastic change, and the escape from repetition.



At the ordinary level of binary consciousness, all thoughts and maps seem to come to ends of sentences, and to edges of papers, while on an expanded level they are circulatory.  If one attempted to trace the source of electrical power in one's home, he might first refer to the power stations feeding directly into the residence; then trace its power to the nearby river turning the turbines, then connect this to the rainfall that feeds the rivers. But then one must put Man’s presence into the line of inquiry, whose existence produces the proper atmospheric conditions for the cycle of rain-evaporation-rain, and thus you are returned to the home of the Man from whence you began the search.  And just think: This is on a relatively simple level, and yet such matters elude the continuing grasp of ordinary consciousness.



Why does the cry of, “We’ll go down with the ship!” only arise from areas of landlocked captains?



Why does the cry of, “There'll be a better life bye-and-bye!” arise from those who can’t seem to get it right this time around?

