Song for a Friday
Now then children, let us sing today’s little song:
Let us learn, learn, learn;
Let us forget, forget, forget.
Now let us remember all of this,
all at once, all the time.
In the midst of a mortal crowd I once heard a voice cry: “I’ve entered this damned contest so many times that I’ve forgotten what the prize is.”
Near the city of Farfadia, I once discovered a man whose business consisted of listening to your problem, then telling you to forget about it, that he would take it over, and then send you a monthly bill forever. After his initial meeting with his clients I could never see he did anything more than send them his monthly bill, but many spoke of the benefit of his services, and seemed to get better.
There was once a man who was convinced that a number was missing from the accepted numerical system, and after many hot years of search and sweat he discovered the “missing number,” but he couldn’t prove it for none of the know numbers can add up to it.
With “I’s” in the back of one’s head would not the future be then clear.