
It kinda seems that, by now, someone in the City would surely wonder what use it is to offer up gifts and sacrifices to their gods, when history obscenely shows that those deities are eventually going to wreck and wrought every possible form of havoc and sunshine regardless.



Two weeks ago, on a Monday, I heard the half-twin brother of a previously featured Big-Town-sore-head say, “You know, whatever your name really is, it seems like every time my brain gets a hard-on my tongue gets impotent…and vicey versy.”  (Couldn’t ya just sometimes “grab-up” those City folks, and hug ‘em real, real good?)



Another Official, Maybe-Law of “City Physics”:

The more mechanical and unavoidable something is, the slower it is, and the more likely it seems to be related to the “D” family, why, the more “serious” it just gotta seem.  (Now go vicey versy that.)



It is about time that the People properly recognize, and suitably acclaim, hypocrisy, for without it, affairs in the City would never efficiently progress from “point A to B,” go from good to better, as Men are predisposed to resist obvious change.



Try and hear what I allude to beyond these words; brace your young selves and blink not into the light, or the glint of the rifle barrels.  Listen up, and brave up, my little troopers.  At its own level, Life does not like OR dis-like Man.  Insofar as Life, simply IS.  (And I gotta tell ya, as far as I’m concerned, that’s plenty good enough for me.)



Although enlistees cannot be expected to remember, and apply themselves to the Revolution one hundred percent of the time, they can be bound to the duty, when they do remember, then apply themselves with one hundred percent of their efforts and energies.  How could you POSSIBLY expect otherwise.

