
Hats-off to the past; coats-off to the future, and pants-off to the erotic present tense.

Second verse:  Roll out your respect for the past; roll up your sleeves for the future, and roll up your trousers for the rising tide of epigrammatic slush and shit.



At one time I thought some religiously inclined men were going to get close to something when they speculated on a kind of “transcendental knowledge arising from the deep-silence-of-god,” but then as usual, they soon talked it into oblivion.



The People have for consolation the remembrance of the “Two Passing Graces,” what might-have-been and what might-have-been.



After too long in the Bushes, the Real Revolutionist can taste the terror of the tepid.



When you get right down to it, the only real difference between the Many and the Few is that the Many don’t realize it.



The Real Revolutionist STAYS pregnant.

