What You Think

From one view, (pertinent to the Few), it could be said that the origin of the dissatisfaction that fuels their special interest is their saying-more-than-is-necessary…(both to others and to themselves).


Analyzing what you think can be of passing amusement, but it will not help you get to the bottom of things – other than showing you that “what you think” is of no consequence.



The mind attempting to analyze itself was the model for a room constructed entirely of mirrors.



Some mental feats are possible, but one is not, and no one studying the matter can distinguish between the two types.


You can’t get to Istanbul while trying to get there.  Oh, you can reach the outskirts of town, you can even get vague glimpses of its outline through the fog, but you’ll never actually get there while you’re trying to. 

(And by the way, there is a very good reason for this, which is that the mythical city doesn’t actually exist during the times you’re trying to reach it.  Or put another way, when you’re in a room whose walls, floors and ceiling are all mirrors you can’t tell that you’re in such a place while you attention is held by reflections you see in the mirrors. To discover where you are, you must turn your attention inward and focus on what it is in you that is naturally drawn to the reflections.)



Do not let someone tell you that the mind cannot comprehend itself–no, make the needed effort so that if this IS so, you’ll be able to tell yourself…that is–if in fact it is true.

