Mystical Methods - Part II
/According to one legend:
Life lets all sentient creatures be born here, free of charge, but for those who're gonna become thinkers, it records a debt to eventually be paid, and for collateral life holds--you guessed it--your mind.
To whom can kidnappers pay ransom for the end to their own captivity?
Just think: If you think that just thinking is hard sometimes, just think about what it must be like to think beyond that!
(Okay, I'll tell you what it's like -- great, that's what. See, when it comes to the matter of things being "hard," it's not just sexual libertines who derive pleasure therefrom.)
There is no mysticism without mystical methods, and the usual fate of it is that the method becomes the extent of the mysticism. This is how it begins and how it goes, but not necessarily how it must end.