Mind and Instinct

The mind is want to call instinct by any name, save its own.




Minds enjoy reflecting on history
in that it relieves them from instant action.
Why else do men read and watch sports events?




One man made a suicide pact with himself (to wit) that every time he'd say something that other people had unquestionably said before, he'd give himself at least a small, potentially fatal, blow. (You might care to know that his mind refused to participate in this scheme at all.)




Any physical artisan will say that a laborer is no better than his tools, yet where be the mental ones who likewise understand?




The idea of mental time-and-space-travel is moot in a land ruled solely be the twin regents of “Instinct” and The Mind.”  It does no good to yell, "Let me out of here!" while not knowing the confining nature of "me" to begin with.


