Behind the Scenes
More Words To Live By, Facts You Can Bank And Invest In:
You may serenely ignore anyone who has ever said, “Never has civilization been so seriously threatened as today.”
The People are continually distracted by their acceptance of the “referee” as “being in charge” and responsible for the final say, while the Revolutionists see that he is simply a paid employee. (Don’t ever forget that behind-all-scenes is the world of Behind The Scenes.)
When discontent is widespread, the Real Revolutionist knows that even a specious event or issue can ignite the rebellion.
I once heard of a test that was so simplistic and obvious that one Man declared, “How could anyone fail it?” but another said, “Haven’t you heard, the King’s son did.” The first fellow hesitated a useful moment and added, “Ah, he must have cheated.” Epilogue I: Can “cheating” somehow cause one to horizontally “fail”?
The Real Revolutionist understands that no one can actually be “freed” by the efforts of another.