A True Optimist
The external idea that, “the king can do no wrong,” and that he is “free from all laws,” is necessary for the proper operations and survival of an absolute monarchy. In that other state, inside of each man, this is true.
All-in-all, one describable difference between the ordinary and the Few is that the former uncritically accept “life” as something quite other than themselves.
A true optimist would be the Revolutionist who asks for a yard stick in a larger size.
I read where an early philosopher said, “Until he is dead, do not call any man happy, only lucky,” and I had intended to add some caustic postscript, but I’ve changed my mind. (No need to color a priest haughty or a lawyer greedy.)
Men have said that there are two kinds of truth, self-evident and learned. If this be so, into which category does this dictum go?