Original Mind

One guy pretty well figured he was approaching a significant juncture when he absolutely lost all taste for any food considered in any way healthy and good for you.


Rule: The rest of the world eats with a limp.







Everyone still has their original mind, even after enlightenment, Buddha still had his pre-Buddha mind, but just because there's a knife in your pocket doesn't mean that you have to cut yourself with it.



            Everyone talks to themselves, but only a few ever wonder for what purpose.







After concluding the course Chemistry Of The Brain, one man then wanted to take up the geography of the beast.






 And in another history of the Work, a more conscious man is shown as a tightrope walker.







The ultimate sacrifice of the mystical warrior is in his giving up of surrendering to events.






The experienced, knowledgeable traveler carries with him:

in one pocket -- a reminder
and in the other -- a motivator.

   What more does he need?






To try and explain in great detail any mystical practice is to destroy it.
