Riding on Full

Let me tell you straight-out and up-front:

You can’t move or rearrange history without major Mayflower complications.  If Napoleon had known what awaited him at Waterloo, he would have no longer BEEN Napoleon.



You may not be able to get the toothpaste back in the tube, but you CAN put a bullet back in a gun.



From the crowd gathered before the marbled building, one man stepped forward, shaking his fist at the political structure, and in his best accusatory voice cried out, “You can hide a pile of shit, but what will you do with the stink?”  And another man staggered from the mob, and collapsed under a nearby tree, completely overcome with the worry as to why ANY one would want to “hide” a pile of shit.



In a certain Revolutionary sense, you should probably not let easily the words of the few fall into the hands of the many.



The Revolutionist is always riding on full, or right at empty.

