A Fitting Climax

Words To Remember In Radical Publishing:

A rewrite won’t necessarily make it right.



A revolution
clearly defined
is your grandmother’s
tea party.



For their birthday, a father gave his quadruplet sons the following verbal gifts: To the first one he said, “Some of what I’ve told you is not true,” and after dismissing him he called in the second one and told him, “Most of what I’ve told you is not true.”  Then when he had number three brought to him, he informed him, “All of what I’ve told you is untrue.”  And when that son had left, he called the last one from a closet where he had hidden him to listen and told him, “Everything I said to them was a lie.”



This one guy, who calls himself, “Doctor,” although he is quick to boastfully add that he is just “barely literate,” tells me that his very latest theory is that anger is like a sweat gland for the mind.



The fitting climax to all acts is the introduction of the next one.
