If It Don't Talk, It Don't Walk

To some people,
real life
is funnier
than comedy.



The king just announced that no longer will the pantomimists be allowed to march in the annual Culture Day Parade; he says that, “lacking words,” he sees not how any activity can be art.  Deploying rare regal succinctness, His Grace concludes, “If it don’t talk, it don’t walk.”



“Another tricky thing about life,” noted the elder to the younger, “All kinds think their ole man could have done better than his hormones dictated.”



One god (who says he doesn’t normally care to fool away time in the chicken shit affairs of man) goes ahead (since it’s a holiday and all) and asks if you’ve ever noticed that the words “irony” and “I” both start with the same letter?  (He says, “If not” – he’s not surprised.)



The factual world
cannot breathe
without talk.
