Beauty Contest

About twenty years before he figured he’d die, this one man wrote, wired, phoned and faxed everyone he’d ever met or been related to, offering the same message.  It said:  “I hereby denounce and refute any sort of guy I may have ever told you I was.”



In a subversive sense,
if you know where your
thinking’s gonna lead,
it’s leading nowhere.



To the War & Peace Conference one state sent two representatives:
One was their normal ambassador,
the other, a figure no one could see.



Due to the periodic rise in the strength of the fact that says, “You are what you eat,” this one reality decided to have “Special Price Days” at its Stupidity Cafeteria, but it turned out to be unnecessary.



And in the midst of his rants and pants, the City Priest proclaimed, “No, no, my friends, heaven will not be a beauty contest,” and thirty-eight people left in a huff.
