Weekend Edition
/One kid’s advice to an even “kiddier” kid, “No need to feel bad unless you’re gonna feel REAL-LEEE bad.” (And quoting now from the bible of another world: “And thus the time will come when the sightless shall lead the blind, and the children direct the kids, and until then, the ole men on the bandstand will continue to play those “jazzed-up Lawrence Welk charts.”)
This one god found that whenever he tried to explain why he’d produced some particular creation over there, or this one over here, that they would begin to collapse. (Pretty soon even HE quit doing interviews.)
A certain judge in one City court concludes all sessions by proclaiming: “It’s better to have RE-dress than a RED dress.” (There are some sour-grape-solicitors who laugh behind his back at his insistence on carrying a brocade shoulder bag with his black robe.)
Poets, critics and smartasses sneer at the human virtues for the same reason that ordinary men made them up. (Presumptive left over from another universe: Never tell a duck a pig tale and expect him to get the moral on his own.)
Our little “Revolutionist’s Joke” for the weekend:
The real verbal subversive LAUGHS at punctuation.