Hotter than Necessary
/More from out files of, “The Environment Sure Looks A Lot Like You” Department: If, as the temperature shifts, even rises, you do not agreeably adapt you will end up being even hotter than necessary.
A fellow says he’s begun to follow local sports affairs because their costumes have become more interesting than those of his City’s religion and court.
Real affection
HAS no alternative.
A viewer writes to say that he’s found the long suspected “missing verse” of that great universal anthem, “Hey, What Did You Expect” and gives the words to this stanza as follows: “There was a young lad who constantly said, ‘What does science know?’ up until the day he graduated, after which he announced, ‘I are now a scientist – what’d you wanna know, what’d you wanna know?’”
Over in another locale is an up-and-coming little organization whose operational slogan says: “A Mind Is A Terrible Thing.”