Tuesday Upset
/A gentleman writes to say that he’s become convinced that there IS a conspiracy going on – specifically, that a “few” are trying to persuade the rest of us that only THEY know “what’s going on” AND that they’ve done this for the simple reason that THEY don’t know what’s really going on, and are afraid that the rest of us might.
To celebrate an anniversary of his family’s lengthy rule, the king decided to give the people the “Ultimate Gift”; he officially forbade anyone ever-again to try and “Figure out what’s going on.”
Extrapolated, Fabricated Version Number Code Blue Five: For the revolutionist – only those things WORTHY of being talked about find a place on his, “Not To Be Talked About List.”
One guy believes that Life periodically puts out real-dumb-ideas, just to see who’s dumb enough to criticize them.
If you can be upset,
you can be fooled.