Track Tips for Tuesday

Earlier this year, the Royal Chemist damn near got the king to announce the following: “Those who drink, then do not THINK, or either fight, should not be allowed to drink.”


In the competitions
between light waves
and sound waves,
each team has its supporters
here and there.


“Obvious facts” have two distinct features, (called, in some quarters, “dangers,” but two-bits lacks its former importance): the first is that they can be too obvious; the second is that they can be too factual; and lastly:  Once the substitute quarterback’s (there’s that word again) number becomes familiar, it’s easier to just leave him in the game.  (Thus, concludes this treatise on “Obvious facts.”)


Track tip to keep ON track:

No matter how the odds look,
at post time, put all your money
on Irony.

(Insiders’s Additional Advice: 
This does assume the track
in question is in some
circular configuration.)


One king said, “I am my own ruler.” And the people replied:  “We are our own people.”Then they both held up mirrors and said:  “All is well.”
