May the 4th be with You
/Even while waiting
for the peace to settle in
on their planet,
many of the non-combatants
were heard to moan and shed
faux blood and tears.
The universe
once had a headquarters.
As befits their position –
captives process information
in a confined fashion.
One prison’s school motto:
“Everything in –
Little Teensy Bits Out.”
Whenever this one leader
wanted to make a point
he’s say nothing.
(Several companies
and institutions
have curtailed bus service
to that area of the universe.)
On this one planet, (which keeps changing its name), a certain candidate, (for no election yet planned), had as his motto, (heretofore un-baptized), these chilling (yet telling) words, said he, (and here I strictly quote), said he: “With cynicism on the rise, and production down, can help be far behind?” (In certain atmospheres, the breathing demands of a 10k race can be matched by those of a 10 foot stroll.)
So as to afford his mental efforts every possible advantage, this one fellow installed a lint trap in the prefrontal lobe area of his brain; he says that thus far there has been no need to clean the apparatus, and that he’s unsure whether this is an encouraging sign or not.