Party! (Not)
/Near the City financial district, a street corner philosopher proclaimed to the passers-by, “If out dated ideas rotted and smelled as does over ripe meat, we’d ALL be holding our noses.” And a sauntering citizen muttered, “I thought we were.”
This one world seriously reduced their socializing and party-throwing inasmuch as they were frequently deceased.
“Two pieces,” said this one man, “And that with an ‘i-e’, added he, (having finished the fifth grade), “Two pieces of sound, son-oriented advice is what I have to offer:
First: Never buy a real expensive car
from a guy too quick with the wise cracks.
And Second: Never buy a real expensive car.
“Say, let me out of here.”
“I’ve got a better one for you:
Say, who let you in here
in the first place?"
Near the canned vegetable section, a fellow stopped me with a certain visible amount of concern on his lapel, and asked if it were not just “slightly possible” that the first nut to work loose might just do so as a ploy.