/After a near lifetime spent alone, one man says his fear still is that a woman might “hide his tools.”
One of the park philosophers declared to the crew, “Opinion’s door is always open – think about it.” And a gentleman hearing this said to himself, “Ah, that accounts for all of the riff-raff having some.”
One kid’s favorite uncle believes there’s a lesson in all this for all of us, (but he’s not quite sure what it is).
I was surprised to find a man over on this one planet who sincerely stated, “I can’t complain.” Well, he didn’t actually say it, ‘cause he couldn’t talk.”
From the city comes a story of a man who says he started making “funny little marks and symbols” on paper, and that lots of people are taking it quite seriously. He says he’s considering expanding this into the area of sound. (He says we may “stay tuned” if we’re so inclined.)