
Those who must
be civilized,
can’t be.


A bunch of guys were talking. “Remember,” said one, “whoever has the last word has to pick up the check.”  “Not so,” said a second guy, “whoever has the last word owns the restaurant.”  “Not quite,” added another, “in truth, whoever has the last word wasn’t hungry to begin with.”  (The first two guys didn’t catch the drift of this, and in appreciation kicked the shit out of the third one.)


Pigs will lay serenely amidst the squalor and immodesty of clean sheets with nar-ree a complaint, once they have accepted the quoted dear price of today’s slop.


A gent wrote to say he thinks, “If humanity knew what it was doing, it wouldn’t have to do so much.”  (He wrote again the following day to say that although he still had faith in his initial observation, something therein strikes him now as potentially fatal, and that we should all “beware.”)


Just for using those private times conversing with the kid, this one ole man gave himself the name of “Have I Got To Do All The Thinking For Both Of Us?”, and in return he allowed the lad to call himself, “Maybe – Maybe Not.”
