While No One was Looking
/Now, our “Fable For The Day” (the real name of it is “The Kind Of Tale You Never Wanted To Hear About Again” but no matter – or at least, very little matter, here it is):
One day, the king let the smartest man in the land be king for a day; after that, he was never the smartest man in the land. (“Appendage Not To Be Confused With A Moral”: Could the king have known something that no one else knew, or is it that what old rulers know, no one else wants to know? Is that a question or what! Well, at least it’s not a moral.)
Seditious Maxim For De Day:
“Feed a father,
tarve a child.”
Do note, I reversed this
or the sake
of alliterated sound.)
While no one was looking,
this one guy was looking.
One of the park’s younger philosophers puts it thusly: "If human reality were of any real consequence, we’d all be in the soup.”
How about this, neural sports fans:
A team that has no home town
an play just a dirty as they please.
The mayor of one city recently stated, “I do not see how long we can wait for the private sector to make note and take action; thus it seems incumbent on the public authorities to have the people realize that a man who can be upset at the least little thing is then inclined to let the least little thing upset him.”