On Holiday
/Over in the City, one guy on holiday
(now remember, this is just one guy we’re talking about)
says that so far as he can tell,
“There’s been no substantial change.”
One of the speakers at last weekend’s City convention, (who some say had already had too much to drink, even before he took to the lectern) said, toward the apparent end of his comments, that at least one thing he had learned from thinkers who had “Gone before him,” was that they were definitely gone.
This one guy – just as soon as I met him – said,
“Yeah, I know what you’re thinking –
everybody does.”
Un-allowed, unopposed strength
on one level would prove
an ultimate weakness.
Over by the in-town frog pond
I saw a guy
stomp his feet,
shake his fists,
jump up and down
and holler
that many of his worst expectations
were long-g-g overdue.