Another Chance
/One father sat his little one down
for some Ouzo and advice,
“Kid, it's best not to buy anything
from someone trying to sell you something,”
and the small fry replied,
“But what alternative IS there?”
And the jubilant ole man cried out – “EXACTLY!”
One ruler was so well suited for his calling
that he continued to govern even after his death.
There's a little group I heard about
over in another sector, who believe
that if you turn your ankle,
or get a real bad paper cut
just before you die –
“they’ll feel especially sorry for you.”
One fellow says that he,
“Thought and thought,
until he was SICK of it.”
(His thoughts allow as how
THEY don't “feel so hot” either.)
Me thinks, perhaps,
there is an ole sore head somewhere
making a game attempt at rehab;
I say this based on the sole fact
of seeing a book in the window
of that little City shop over near the campus;
its title was,
“Giving Reality Another Chance.”